Videos of “Lizzy”

taken on May 30 & 31,

June 2, 2017

Photos of “Lizzy”

taken at 9 weeks, June 2 & 3, 2017

Video & photos of “Lizzy”

taken at 10 weeks, June 11, 2017

Video of “Lizzy”

taken at 10 weeks, June 12, 2017


Please don’t be concerned with their rough-housing because “Lizzy” gives as much as she gets.  This particular video just doesn’t show her giving it to her littermates, however, she’s can be ‘top dog’ to speak. 

Just in case it’s difficult to spot “Lizzy”...she’s the one with the mitted feet.  The boy has brown feet and the Seal Bi-Color girl has all white feet and all white legs.

Can you believe what beautiful blue eyes she has!

Taken at 9 weeks of age on May 31, 2017.  Sorry for the cluttered room, but I wanted to capture this action before I cleaned up.  BTW— I remove some of the toys for a few days and then I bring them out again.  This makes these kitten toys seem new and exciting when they disappear for a few days...and then, reappear.

June 2, 2017 videos are posted below

June 2, 2017 photos are posted below

Since these are such adorable photos, I’ve enlarged them somewhat.

They were taken on June 3, 2017 and are posted below.

These two videos (below) were taken on Sunday, June 11, 2017 when “Lizzy” was 10 weeks of age...

on our unmade bed.

The photos posted below were taken on June 11, 2017.

The last photo is of “Lizzy” and her brother...who is still available.

Below is a collage of  “Lizzy’s” brother...who is still available.

These photos were just taken a few days ago.

Video of “Lizzy” — taken on June 10 weeks of age.